Mosque closest to the beach

First point of strike, Mosque remarkably survived, intact

Qur'an, Azimus Shan, wet pages soiled by the Tsunami

Women in their hundreds, await the call to prayer

House of Allah, stands untouched

Trees uprooted, the result of the immense force

Mosque amidst the devastation and destruction

Incomplete Mosques are also left undamaged

Mosque, standing firm in the midst of havoc

Another fine example of a Mosque, intact

Internal view, some light work needed to pillars

An example of how a brother and sister clinged on to one of the Mosque pillars

The path of the Tsunami, residue inside the Mosque

Mosque, with some light repair work required

Mosque, largely intact with rear-wall requiring brick-work

Rear-wall, the only severe damage to this Mosque